Board Meeting

Serving the communities of Sandy Lake

MANDATE • Mission • Vision • Values

Sandy Lake Community

Nestled around the shoreline of Sandy Lake and just one hour north west of Edmonton, are the the quaint Summer Villages of Sandy Beach and Sunrise Beach. The two villages are at combination of full-time residents, seasonal residents, and summer-time campers.

Tranquil, but with plenty of opportunity for adventure, Sandy Lake is a vibrant habitat for a variety of waterfowl, deer, beaver, and the occasional black bear and cougar sighting. In addition to the community day park and Myrna Noyes Community Hall, walking trails and boating offer a variety of activities for all ages.

Our Mission

The Sun & Sand Community League is an established community league committed to maintaining a healthy quality of life for residents and members. We aim to achieve this goal by promoting participation in social activities, and advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

With peace, unity and harmony, we take time to honour this land on which we live and play as Treaty Six Territory.